On March 9th my sweet dog William, who we had for 4 years, dug a little hole by the fence and escaped...I came home later that day to find that the house was empty. After 2 days of searching, posting fliers, multiple trips to the animal shelter, and calling every vet in town I finally got the news that he had been hit by a car only a block away from our house. I am not sure I can ever forgive myself for leaving the back door open...I never could have imagined that he would ever get out or even want to. I cried for a few days and swore I would never get another dog. No dog could ever be as good and sweet at William. After 2 weeks of silence, loneliness and an empty kennel I broke down and started checking out some possible new pups. I came across a picture of the most adorable hybrid breed. A Pomeranian and a Chihuahua. A PomChi. I had to go see this precious fluffy creature! The instant I walked in the door I knew which one a wanted, a light brown, fluffy haired female that looked like a tiny bunny rabbit. To honor William, who was a Jack Russel Chihuahua mix (JackChi) we named her Jaxon Russel. She is so delightful! She loves to soak up the sun, play with anyone or anythin, curl up for a good nap and she can even hold her own with the big boys (Melanies dogs Potsy and Tater). Clark wont put her down, he caries her everywhere! We will always miss William and no dog or person can take his place. I will never forget the clicking sound of his nails on the hardwood floor, the intense stares he gave that were so human like as if he was looking at your soul, the way his little body curled up next to mine when we took naps, or the way he bounded acoss an open field like a little deer. "Say your prayers William"